Poet’s Corner Medical Centre is a Choice Practice and Choice Network for the following Private Health Fund:

1. NIB & it’s related entity

2. CBHS International

It means that:

Our Clinic provides bulk billing doctor service for the cardholder of the above private health fund except for doctor services occur on weekend (payment gap applies). The bulk billing service is only for doctor service. 

The Card Holders do not need to pay for visit to our doctors during the week but only pay the gap amount on the weekend. 

If you need to have blood test or to have counselling with our Psychologist or other Allied Health, please contact your Fund if your Health Fund covers the other services you require.

The above card holders need to bring the NIB Card/ CBHS Card and Identification document with photo when you come to our clinic for your appointment.

The card will used for receptionist to check the eligibility and for payment for our doctor services

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    Our Clinic is going to move to a new location in March 2025!

    We're excited to announce that our clinic is going to move to a new location, not far from our existing clinic.

    The relocation date is 1 March 2025.

    Our new address is:

    631-633 Elizabeth Street Waterloo NSW 2017

    Our phone number and email addresses remain unchanged.

    We look forward to welcoming you to our new space soon.

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